Keonna`s Journey
Keonna Farmer is a highly sought-out forward-thinking and thought-provoking consultant, mentor, and young visionary who has transformed the meaning of “young and restless” and taken it to a new level by pouring my heart, desire, and passion into preparing young adults and student-athletes to transition into adulthood and reach success, while helping clients solve critical problems.
She is an expert in helping clients and mentees solve critical problems that lead to strategic and impactful transformations. She believes firmly that free and available resources do not always equate accessible and attainable, so she makes it her duty to provide her clients and mentees with the essential resources needed to grow their bottom line, improve their quality of life, reach success, and overall solve their problems.
Her portfolio reveals a woman capable of results and transformations from consulting and mentoring hundreds of people and raising thousands for her community. This has led her to receive upper ratings as a mentor, consultant, and educator from evaluations and student surveys.